Sounds like they're having a Moses moment:
'Is it from this crag that WE should bring forth water for you?'
click image to enlarge.. .
Sounds like they're having a Moses moment:
'Is it from this crag that WE should bring forth water for you?'
seriously, when will this guy come out of the jws, and out of the closet?.
Well all I'll say is: it's a great place to catch monkey pox, he'd better be careful.
seriously, when will this guy come out of the jws, and out of the closet?.
seriously, when will this guy come out of the jws, and out of the closet?.
If you look at his show schedules every year there's no way he'd have time for regular meetings and service, let alone being a Bethelite. Same goes for most of the others there, they're not Bethelites. You can look some of them up and they do singing secularly, including the kid with the huge head who's also a jazz singer and has a song called "Psycho Chick".
seriously, when will this guy come out of the jws, and out of the closet?.
No, not married
seriously, when will this guy come out of the jws, and out of the closet?.
King was never in Bethel, he was just invited there to perform once in a while for projects. He's been in show business full time (mostly night clubs and casinos) for some years now.
In fact that's true of many of the performers you see in JW music and movies; they're not Bethelites and they do it secularly (a career which is frowned upon in the publications) but they get a pass because they donate their 'skills' for WT projects.
seriously, when will this guy come out of the jws, and out of the closet?.
Seth Sikes is definitely not a Bethelite lol, he's a "worldly" friend of Nick's and openly gay, there are other posts of them hanging out. I'm wondering if he is low-key not in good standing anymore because he hasn't been in any videos for a few years now.
seriously, when will this guy come out of the jws, and out of the closet?.
He's Seth Sikes, another nightclub singer
2022-08-01-debit and credit cards.
monthly donation amounts by area. .
What does that amount mean, the dollars required per publisher to meet expenses?
Edit: Yes it does. Sorry, I just read your other post.
seriously, when will this guy come out of the jws, and out of the closet?.
Seriously, when will this guy come out of the JWs, and out of the closet?